Moravian College D3Week Athletic Department Staff Profiles

D3Week staff profiles

BETHLEHEM, Pa. --- As part of NCAA Division III Week, Moravian College is highlighting some of the athletic department staff today. Click on a name below to jump to their full profile.





Josh Baltz

Josh Baltz staff profile Getting to Know You…

  1. Where's the next place on your travel bucket list and why?  Anywhere with a beach and the ocean…(and possibly a Golf course)! Love to relax while sitting on the beach with family and friends. 

  2. What was the last show you binge-watched?  I watch LOTS of TV shows (I have a weekly schedule), but the last one I binged was all 5 seasons of Bosch. I watched 50 episodes in less than a week.

  3. Do you have a favorite holiday? Why or why not?  Thanksgiving! A time to celebrate with family (especially my 3 nephews) after an Easton Football victory. Hot Turkey!!!

  4. What song always gets you on the dance floor?  Any 90's or 2000's hits (throwbacks) or the victory song for Moravian Baseball "You can call me Al"-Paul Simon 

  5. Do you hit the snooze button or wake up immediately?  I set several alarms, knowing that the snooze button will be hit several times before I wake up.

  6. When making a PB&J sandwich, do you put on the peanut butter of jelly first?  Do not do Jelly! I do enjoy a simple Peanut Butter sandwich. 

  7. What can you eat for a week straight?  Bacon, Egg, and Cheese on Everything Bagel with Hot Sauce!

  8. Who plays the best James Bond?  Have to google…but I'll go with Sean Connery. Originals are always the best!

  9. Who plays the best Batman?  Tie, Michael Keaton & Christian Bale

  10. Does pineapple belong on pizza?  NO, belongs in Pina Colada's!!


WhyD3 Questions…

  1. What makes Division III special? What makes Division lll special to me is the freedoms it allows our athletes to enjoy. At Moravian athletes have the opportunity to compete at a high level with their sport and also in the classroom. They also have time to enjoy themselves socially. These three aspects will teach lessons in life that all our student athletes will take with them.

  2. How did you get into being an equipment manager? My first job was at Muhlenberg College as an Assistant Baseball Coach, and I also worked in the Equipment Room there. I enjoyed feeling a part of all the athletic teams and the interactions with different athletes. Along with that, I enjoy the self-satisfaction of the daily grind with athletics. My experiences at Muhlenberg led me to pursue the position as Head Equipment Manager at my alma mater Moravian College!

  3. What is the best advice you can give student-athletes?  Enjoy to the fullest the four years at Moravian College because its going to fly by, and to be yourself no matter what. Grow as an individual and enjoy the process of figuring that out. 


This or That…

  1. Morning, noon, or night?  Night

  2. Burgers or tacos?  Tacos

  3. Pool or ocean?  Ocean

  4. Marvel or DC?  Marvel

  5. Star Wars or Star Trek?  Neither, have never seen a Star Wars or Star Trek movie!



Sarah Dalrymple

Sarah Dalrymple staff profile Getting to Know You…

  1. Where's the next place on your travel bucket list and why?  Santorini - Experience a new culture in a way that is both active and relaxing. 

  2. What was the last show you binge-watched?  Schitt's Creek

  3. Do you have a favorite holiday? Why or why not?  4th of July - I spend it at the beach with my family every year

  4. What song always gets you on the dance floor?  Anything by The Killers

  5. Do you hit the snooze button or wake up immediately?  I purposely set my alarm early so I can hit snooze!

  6. When making a PB&J sandwich, do you put on the peanut butter of jelly first?  Definitely PB - Only on 1 side, Jelly on the other side

  7. What can you eat for a week straight?  Breakfast Sandwich (Sausage, Egg, & Cheese)

  8. Who plays the best James Bond?  Sean Connery

  9. Who plays the best Batman?  Michael Keaton

  10. Does pineapple belong on pizza?  When it's accompanied by a spicy topping


WhyD3 Questions…

  1. What makes Division III special?  The ability to receive the entire student experience without sacrificing  athletics.

  2. How did you get into coaching?  I knew that I wanted to give back to the sport that developed and shaped who I am as a person.  Upon graduation from college, I looked into every coaching position available. Nine years later, I've coached for four different field hockey programs and still love what I do every day!

  3. What is the best advice you can give student-athletes?  Never take your student-athlete experience for granted, it will be over before you know it!

This or That…

  1. Morning, noon, or night? Noon

  2. Burgers or tacos?  Tacos

  3. Pool or ocean?  Ocean

  4. Marvel or DC?  DC

  5. Star Wars or Star Trek?  Neither


Kristen Nicholson

Kristen Nicholson staff profile Getting to Know You…

  1. Where's the next place on your travel bucket list and why?  Italy, because my grandfather was from Sicily and I'd like to see where my family comes from.

  2. What was the last show you binge-watched?  Shitt's Creek, I even bought the new season on Prime because I couldn't wait for it to come onto Hulu for free

  3. Do you have a favorite holiday? Why or why not?  Yes, Christmas because I love to find the perfect gifts for my family members and bring everyone together)

  4. What song always gets you on the dance floor?  Whitney Houston, I wanna dance with somebody

  5. Do you hit the snooze button or wake up immediately?  I snooze, then snooze again, and again and maybe one more time.

  6. When making a PB&J sandwich, do you put on the peanut butter of jelly first?  The peanut butter! Jelly first would cause anarchy.

  7. What can you eat for a week straight?  PIZZA, but only Long Island pizza

  8. Who plays the best James Bond?  I wouldn't know, Im probably one of few that have never seen any of them 

  9. Who plays the best Batman?  Christian Bale

  10. Does pineapple belong on pizza?  NO! 


WhyD3 Questions…

  1. What makes Division III special? - The ability for our student-athletes to compete at a high level but also have the flexibility to experience all that their college has to offer. 

  2. How did you get into coaching? Being from Long Island, NY I've been around lacrosse my whole life but my passion for coaching began my senior year of college when I started giving private lessons. Soon after that I started coaching club, a high school varsity team and then college when I went back for a masters degree. I love what I do!

  3. What is the best advice you can give student-athletes? Never take a game day for granted. We're only given a short window of opportunity to play the sport we love. If you take advantage of it, you'll leave your career satisfied with everything you've done. 


This or That…

  1. Morning, noon, or night?  Night

  2. Burgers or tacos?  TACOS

  3. Pool or ocean?  Ocean!

  4. Marvel or DC?  Marvel

  5. Star Wars or Star Trek?  Neither :) but if i had to pick Star Wars



Shawn Postiglione

Shawn Postiglione staff profile Getting to Know You…

  1. Where's the next place on your travel bucket list and why?  I have always wanted to explore Australia because it is so unique and fascinating. I could also always head back to the beautiful Pacific coast beaches of Costa Rica, which is my happy place!

  2. What was the last show you binge-watched?  "After Life" on Netflix,"Curb Your Enthusiasm",  and I might have re-watched all of Game of Thrones during quarantine time, minus the final few episodes

  3. Do you have a favorite holiday? Why or why not?  Not a big holiday guy, but if I had to choose one I would say Memorial Day - important to remember those who sacrificed everything, and it unofficially kicks off summer 

  4. What song always gets you on the dance floor?  Anything & everything by the universe's greatest musician of all-time, Bruce Springsteen

  5. Do you hit the snooze button or wake up immediately?  I am guilty of the snooze button every so often 

  6. When making a PB&J sandwich, do you put on the peanut butter of jelly first?  Controversial opinion coming, but I actually prefer peanut butter-only sandwiches

  7. What can you eat for a week straight?  Pizza, particularly Joe & Pat's Pizza from my hometown, the Isle of Staten 

  8. Who plays the best James Bond?  That would have to be Sir Sean Connery, although Daniel Craig isn't too shabby

  9. Who plays the best Batman?  The gritty realism of Christian Bale is second-to-none

  10. Does pineapple belong on pizza?  Not my cup of tea, but I'll allow it…


WhyD3 Questions…

  1. What makes Division III special?  Division III is full of high quality people who are integral members of their campus communities outside of their playing fields and courts. I am always impressed by what Division III student-athletes are able to accomplish in their sport, in the classroom, and around campus.

  2. How did you get into coaching?  I was a sophomore student at NYU when I started interning in the athletic department of Wagner College during the summer of 2007. By the end of the summer, the head men's basketball coach at Wagner offered me a student-assistant position on their staff. So I transferred to Wagner, graduated early, got promoted to a full-time role after one season as a student assistant, and I am just crazy enough to still be coaching this great game for a living!  

  3. What is the best advice you can give student-athletes?  All my best advice is stolen from others, so to quote the great philosopher Ferris Bueller, "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."

This or That…

  1. Morning, noon, or night?  Night

  2. Burgers or tacos?  Burgers

  3. Pool or ocean?  Nothing better than the beach & ocean!

  4. Marvel or DC?  Which ones are the Avengers? Favorite superhero is Batman, the Christian Bale version though

  5. Star Wars or Star Trek?  Is "neither" acceptable?



Laurie Segreaves

Laurie Segreaves staff profile Getting to Know You…

  1. Where's the next place on your travel bucket list and why?  San Francisco – always wanted to see different parts of the West Coast, hopefully this summer it will happen!

  2. What was the last show you binge-watched?  The Fosters

  3. Do you have a favorite holiday? Why or why not?  Christmas! Get to see lots of family, relax and enjoy good basketball

  4. What song always gets you on the dance floor?  Good Vibrations by Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch, September by Earth Wind and Fire and anything Whitney Houston

  5. Do you hit the snooze button or wake up immediately?  Being a strength coach, you're working a lot of early hours – I would love nothing more than hitting the szoone button at 4:05am, but that would not work out well!

  6. When making a PB&J sandwich, do you put on the peanut butter of jelly first?  PB

  7. What can you eat for a week straight?  Prime Rib

  8. Who plays the best James Bond?  Pierce Brosnan is the man.

  9. Who plays the best Batman?  Will Arnett, voice of Lego Batman

  10. Does pineapple belong on pizza?  Absolutely

WhyD3 Questions…

  1. What makes Division III special?  What makes Division III so special to me is the emphasis on the classroom and winning titles. At Moravian, we truly are seeking the well-rounded student athlete, the teammate who understands sport will not last forever, and attacks the weight room and classroom with the same approach – to WIN!

  2. How did you get into strength coaching?  When I graduated from college, I immediately started an internship at Moravian – this is my fourth year here now and I have been fortunate to work for Tom Long who gave me each opportunity to climb the ladder and make it to Assistant Director.

  3. What is the best advice you can give student-athletes?  Fall in love with the process. Being a student athlete is an absolute honor but also a grind. Understand that so much goes into being a champion and enjoying that work with your team is the greatest part of being a student athlete.


This or That…

  1. Morning, noon, or night?  Night

  2. Burgers or tacos?  Both, get your protein up!

  3. Pool or ocean?  Pool

  4. Marvel or DC?  DC

  5. Star Wars or Star Trek?  Neither, Harry Potter 



Jeff Ykoruk

Jeff Ykoruk staff profile Getting to Know You…

  1. Where's the next place on your travel bucket list and why?  Napa Valley/Mendocino/Carmel to retrace our honeymoon with the kids 

  1. What was the last show you binge-watched?  The Wire on HBO 

  1. Do you have a favorite holiday? Why or why not?  Christmas for sure.  So much fun with the kids.

  1. What song always gets you on the dance floor?  Sweet Caroline, oh oh oh!!

  1. Do you hit the snooze button or wake up immediately?   My kids are my alarm clock

  1. When making a PB&J sandwich, do you put on the peanut butter of jelly first?  Peanut Butter 

  1. What can you eat for a week straight?  Sushi, Sushi and more Sushi

  1. Who plays the best James Bond?  Sean Connery

  1. Who plays the best Batman?  Michael Keaton

  1. Does pineapple belong on pizza?  It's the only frozen pizza available these days, what does that tell you.


WhyD3 Questions…

  1. What makes Division III special?  The ability for the athletes to compete at a high level and still be able to have a  life outside of the sport you play.

  2. How did you get into coaching? I was an Assistant Coach on the men's side.  The following year I was asked to interview for the Women's Head Coaching position at the same college and was fortunate enough to get hired.

  3. What is the best advice you can give student-athletes?  Enjoy every moment of your athletic career, it goes by  quickly. Focus more on your team's success, not individual accomplishments.  


This or That…

  1. Morning, noon, or night? 

  2. Burgers or tacos?  Burgers

  3. Pool or ocean?  Ocean

  4. Marvel or DC?  Marvel

  5. Star Wars or Star Trek?  Star Wars