Get to Know Head Field Hockey Coach Sarah Dalrymple

head field hockey coach sarah dalrymple at practice in november 2020.

BETHLEHEM, Pa. --- The next coach in the Moravian College Department of Athletics & Recreation's Get to Know Coach series is Head Field Hockey Coach Sarah Dalrymple, who is in her first year with the Greyhounds. Dalrymple joined the department in February 2020 and comes to Moravian after four years as an assistant coach at NCAA Division I Lafayette College.

Sarah Dalrymple
College: Temple University '11

What is your favorite part of your sport? The high pace and high level of skill required to play the game. You are constantly thinking, adjusting and making decisions which is why I love it!

How did your experience as a student-athlete help shape you as a coach? My experience as a student-athlete shaped who I am as a person, which obviously then shapes how I coach. The lessons that are taught through sport help to shape how an individual grows. I believe that this is something I am very conscious of when coaching. 

What do you love most about coaching at Moravian College? Well, I haven't quite been able to technically coach quite yet, but the overall sense of community is really unique here at Moravian College.

Do you have any pre-event/game rituals or superstitions? I have a pair of game day shoes every season that I only ever wear during games throughout the fall season. 

Sum up your coaching philosophy in one sentence? Preparation - My objective is to provide each student-athlete with the tools and resources to be prepared both on and off of the field. 

What do you look for in a recruit? I am looking at the entire person.  Looking for raw athleticism, yet who the person is as a whole. It's extremely important to be surrounded by good people who provide a positive impact on the program's culture. 

What is the best piece of advice you've been given? Focus your energy on the controllables. 

Who are your role models/most influential people? There have been many influential people throughout my life, being the youngest of three both of my older sisters have influenced me probably the most, not to mention introduced me to the game of field hockey!

Which three people, living or dead, would you like to share a meal with? Both of my grandfathers, one passed well before I was born and the other when I was very young and Pat Summit. 

What have you done more of since March that you wouldn't have if sports had not been postponed? I was able to spend a lot more time with my family and nearly every day with my niece, Cora!

If you weren't coaching, what would you be doing? I'd love to think I would be in the FBI or CIA, although probably not super realistic.  

Tell us something about yourself that would surprise most people. I was recruited to play field hockey at Temple University as a field player but played my entire career as a goalkeeper.  


Quick Hits:
Favorite Color – Grey
Favorite Food –
Favorite Restaurant –
 Sette Luna in Downtown Easton
Favorite Movie – 
A League of their Own
Favorite TV Show –
 Homeland or Schitt's Creek 
Favorite Musical Artist –
 The Lumineers
Favorite Athlete –
 Ray Lewis 
Favorite Pro Team –
 Baltimore Ravens
Hobbies –
 Spending time w/ my dog Monty anywhere outside.
Most Prized Possession –
 A photo of me and my Dad from when I was little. 
Ideal Travel Destination –
 Somewhere that you can both relax and explore, ideally near a beach! 
Your Spirit Animal –
 According to the buzzfeed quiz I just took, a Wolf.
Superpower you'd Like to Have – 
I'd love to be able to fly