BETHLEHEM, Pa. --- The Moravian University Department of Athletics and Recreation had 196 of its student-athletes receive Dean's Honors List accolades from the University for achieving a 3.50 or higher grade-point average during the 2023 Spring semester.
"The staff and coaches in the Athletic Department are very proud of our student-athletes that achieved the Dean's Honor List during the spring semester," stated Director of Athletics & Recreation and Head Women's Basketball Coach Mary Beth Spirk. "As a Division III institution, we maintain that same philosophy in our department: in order to be a successful athlete, you must be a successful student. Our coaches understand that academics are a top priority and our athletes all know that success in the classroom comes first. Congratulations to all the Dean's Honor List student-athletes."
The 196 Greyhounds account for over a third of the student-athletes that began the 2022-23 academic year on teams' rosters. The total also includes 24 student-athletes that are participating in more than one sport and 62 members of the group had a perfect 4.0 during the spring semester including eight of the 24 multi-sport student-athletes. The athletic department accounted for 24.2 percent of Moravian's entire 800-member Spring Dean's Honor List. Overall in the department, 71 student-athletes achieved 4.0 GPAs for the semester and 310 student-athletes had a 3.0 or higher.
The women's soccer squad had the most honorees with 22 student-athletes each earning Dean's Honor List accolades while the men's lacrosse team had 18 student-athletes honored followed by the women's cross country, women's track & field, football and baseball programs with 15 honorees. The women's lacrosse and field hockey squads each had 13 student-athletes selected to the Dean's Honor List. The women's volleyball program had 11 selections while the softball squad had 10 honorees. The men's soccer team had nine student-athletes garner Dean's Honor List while the men's cross country and men's tennis programs each had seven selections. Rounding out the list were the women's basketball team with six selections, the women's tennis squad with five honorees, men's track & field and men's golf with four selections, women's swimming and men's basketball with three honorees and the men's swimming program with one selection. The 24 dual-sport student-athletes are listed with their first sport played during the academic year.
The full list of Moravian's 2023 Spring Dean's Honor List is available at https://news.moravian.edu/2023/05/31/moravian-university-names-students-to-deans-honor-list-for-spring-2023/.
The student-athletes receiving Dean's List honors include: Heather Adams (WT&F), Amanda Aloia (WSOC), Morgan Amy (WBB), Sydney Anderson (FH), Daniel Babbert (MSOC), Jack Bakey (MLAX), Sophie Bauer (VB), Bryan Bendig (FB), Madison Bernnig (SB), Sarah Bietka (FH), Sam Bingaman (FB/GOLF), Danielle Bishop (WSOC), Grace Blenis (WSOC), TJ Bohl (GOLF), Sean Boyer (MLAX), Zoey Bronson (WT&F), Olivia Buckley (WSOC), Evan Bulette (MSWIM), Amber Buskirk (FH), Anika Buzzy (WSOC), Rachel Byrne (WXC/T&F), Marco Calantoni (MT&F), Ben Carlin (FB), Salome Carr (WLAX), Julianne Cassady (WTEN), Shane Cassel (MLAX), Tory Champagne (WXC/T&F), Alex Cherenson (WLAX), Cole Cherkas (BASE), Ethan Cherubin (MT&F), David Ciaccio (BASE), Meghan Colton (WSOC), Marianna Crisafulli (FH), Paul Croyle (BASE), Madi Cunningham (SB), Jenna Deegan (VB), Elizabeth DeMassa (WT&F), Bella DeMassa (WT&F), Mike DiPietro (MBB), Madi Dippel (WLAX), Megan Donnelly (WLAX), Victoria Donovan (WBB/WT&F), Alise Downey (WLAX), Maddie Eisele (WSOC), Davanna Elysee (VB), Jeremiah Espinosa (FB), Aidan Evan Gartley (MTEN), Shayaan Farhad (MTEN), Jake Farrell (MXC/T&F), Alexa Fernandez (SB), Maddie Figiel (WTEN), Caillie Fish (WT&F), Reganne Flannery (WBB), Casey Foley (MSOC), Sean Foley (FB), Brelyn Friedman (WLAX), Emma Garchinsky (WXC/T&F), Lindsey Gawrys (SB), Donald Gibbs (MSOC), Jeremy Goll (MT&F), Jessica Gonzalez-Forder (SB), Rachael Goodman (WXC/T&F), AJ Gordon (BASE), Lexi Groff (WT&F), Brielle Guarente (WBB), Jacob Haberstumpf (GOLF), Hannah Hayes (VB), Peyton Herbst (WXC/T&F), Ren Herschman (SB), Derek Holmes (BASE), Emily Hoskin (WLAX), Shane Houghton (MXC/T&F), Ross Huffman (BASE), Kylie Hughes (WSOC), Jared Jenkins (FB), Elise Keeney (FH), Bekkah Kehoe (FH), Dan Kelly (MLAX), Bryan Kerchner (MXC/T&F), Devin King (WLAX), Geoffrey Kleinberg (MXC/T&F), Jessica Knox (FH), Garrison Koch (BASE), Ryan Kokoszka (MLAX), Payce Korpics (WSOC), Mackenzie Krasley (VB), Matthew Labosky (MTEN), Lauren Latchford (WSOC), Zachary Lebby (MTEN), Austin Leibensperger (FB), Jenna Lenko (SB), Emma Lenthe (WSOC), Michael Leonardo (MBB), Vito Leone (MSOC), Hanna Leto (FH), Nicholas Levinski (FB), Jason Levy (MLAX), Kendall Lomascola (WLAX), Catie Lovett (WXC/WSWIM/WT&F), Allison Ludlow (VB), Matt Madigan (BASE), Nicholas Mancini (MLAX), Josh Mangini (MXC/T&F), Wyatt Marshall (MTEN), Gabrielle Martin (WTEN), Derek Mason (MT&F), Pia Mazzella-DiBosco (WXC/T&F), Abby McClaskey (WT&F), Dan McNicholas (MT&F), Chris Medei (BASE), Ally Meeks (WXC/T&F), Caroline Melillo (VB), Chelsea Meltzer (WSOC), Cristina Merone (WTEN), Quinn Middleton (MSOC), Sarah Miniter (WBB), Liz Miskovsky (WT&F), Kiara Morales (WSOC), Sam Mortazavi (GOLF), Aden Moskovitz (MLAX), Rylie Murphy (WXC/T&F), Meghan Myers (WXC/T&F), Avery Napolitano (MLAX), Chad Newhard (FB), Zachary Nicholas (MSOC), Michael Noonan (MLAX), Megan O'Brien (WTEN), David Olsakowski (BASE), Chris Ortalano (FB), Christopher Pez (FB), Kieran Pisani (MTEN), Allison Plitnick (VB), Wyatt Poniktera (MXC/T&F), Amber Poniktera (WXC/T&F), Chris Pow (BASE), Cori Pursel (WSOC), Carly Pyatt (WSOC), Racquel Ramey (WT&F), Margie Rayne (WT&F), Keara Reilly (WLAX), Natalie Reilly (WSOC), Sarah Rice (WXC/T&F), Kate Rice (WXC/T&F), Ashley Robinson (WBB), Crystal Robinson (WT&F), Ashley Rodrigues (WT&F), Nora Ronan-Milz (WSWIM), Joshua Ruela (FB), Elliot Rupp (WSOC), Lexi Rushatz (WSOC/WT&F), Josh Rutkiewicz (MLAX), Steven Salica (MLAX), Victoria Salica (WLAX), Jackie Salvatore (WLAX), Nate Sanitago (MBB), Maya Santos (WSOC), Haylee Saylor (WT&F), Hailey Scaff (WSOC), Alaina Schmid (FH), Gillian Schonenberg (WXC/T&F), Michael Sickler (MLAX), Grace Silfani (VB), Kyle Smilon (MSOC), Jake Smit (MLAX), Sage Snyder (SB), Brooke Sodl (FH), Prince Sokpo (FB), Emily Solomon (VB), Sydney Steere (WSWIM), Reed Sturza (MSOC), Aaron Sudigala (FB), Sean Superka (BASE), Savanah Sutter (FH), Justin Szaro (MTEN), Maria Tice (FH), Grace Tirabassi (WXC/T&F), Tommy Ulmer (MLAX), Tyler Valentine (BASE), Tamara Vasquez (VB), Jack Wagner (GOLF), Joseph Walker (FB), Brendan Ward (MXC/T&F), Emma Wariwanchik (SB), Ethan Weber (BASE), Kyle Weiss (MSOC/MLAX), Emily Wells (FH), Marissa Werner (WSWIM), Brooke Wilkinson (FH), Delaney Wiseman (WT&F), Mikayla Woodring (WT&F), Caleb Woods-Bannan (MLAX), Jessica Yanovitch (WSOC), Taylor Yoder (WSOC), Mya Zettlemoyer (SB), Isabella Ziccardi (WLAX), Mason Zimmerman (FB)