Hudson Taylor of Athlete Ally to Speak at Moravian on March 12

Taylor Hudson event

BETHLEHEM, Pa. --- Moravian College will be hosting Hudson Taylor from Athlete Ally in Johnston Hall on Wednesday, March 12 at 7:00 p.m. for Taylor's talk on Becoming a Champion for Inclusion on Your Campus.

Taylor's appearance is being sponsored by the Moravian Athletic Department, Human Resources, Intercultural Advancement and IDEA (Instilling Diversity Equality and Awareness).

Taylor, a former wrestler at the University of Maryland, shares his journey of becoming a straight ally for the LGBT community and helps others learn how they can be an integral part of the solution. This program is about friendship, and standing up for our friends. It's about making our campuses a safe space for everyone and celebrating the things we have in common, as people, as students and as citizens caring about fair treatment for everyone.

To learn more about Taylor's background, visit