Moravian vs. Morrisville State (N.Y.) College - Brandon Santiago '25
Moravian getting ready for the start of their Homecoming Match against Morrisville State College.
Moravian player tackling opponent.
Avery Koser trying to get his way around opponent.
Moravian lined up for the National Anthem.
Avery Koser running through Morrisville's defensive line.
Moravian players tackling opponent.
Isaiah Johnson tackling opponent.
Nick Coffaro taking the ball through opponents defensive line.
Anderson Louis Jeune kicking for an extra point.
Nate Boyle getting around opponent
Nate Boyle running with the ball
Damere Rooker tackling opponent
Jared Jenkins passing the ball
Nate Boyle protecting the ball
Nate Boyle getting a touchdown for Moravian
Nate Boyle running around opponents with the ball
Nate Boyle protecting the ball