Potts & Staff Wearing Sneakers as Part of Coaches vs. Cancer Suits and Sneakers Week

Men's Basketball staff wearing sneakers in support of Coaches vs. Cancer Suits and Sneakers Week.

KANSAS CITY, Mo. --- Coaches vs. Cancer Suits And Sneakers™ Week, a collaborative initiative of the National Association of Basketball Coaches and the American Cancer Society, is taking place during January 21-27, 2019.

During this week, more than 4,000 high school and college men's basketball coaches, including Moravian College Head Coach Justin Potts and his Greyhounds' staff, will swap their dress shoes for sneakers with their usual game attire during the Hounds' Landmark Conference games on Wednesday, January 23 versus Susquehanna University and Saturday, January 26 versus The Catholic University of America at 4:00 p.m. in Johnston Hall to demonstrate their support for the American Cancer Society's efforts to finish the fight against cancer.

Susquehanna Head Coach Frank Marcinek and his staff joined the Greyhounds on Wednesday in wearing sneakers on Saturday to demonstrate their support for the American Cancer Society during the 16th Annual Coaches vs. Cancer Suits & Sneakers Week.

Coaches vs. Cancer Suits And Sneakers Week is a nationwide event when basketball coaches across the country unite for a common cause – saving lives from cancer! Coaches and their staff across the nation wear sneakers with their suits during games to raise awareness and help save lives from cancer by raising funds and encouraging people to educate themselves about cancer prevention, screening, and early detection.


About Coaches vs. Cancer

The Coaches vs. Cancer program is a nationwide collaboration between the American Cancer Society and the National Association of Basketball Coaches. This initiative leverages the personal experiences, community leadership, and professional excellence of coaches nationwide to increase cancer awareness and promote healthy living through year-round awareness efforts, fundraising activities, and advocacy programs. Since 1993, coaches have raised over $100 million for the American Cancer Society.