Kahron Walker

Kahron Walker

Year: Junior
Event: Jumps
Hometown: Brick, New Jersey
High School: Brick Memorial
Major: Financial Economics


Why did you choose Moravian College?
I wanted to attend a college that is small but still offered the courses required for my major and is also well respected.

What is your major and why? 
Financial economics. I wanted to choose a major that would prepare me for a number of positions in the private sector or government.

What has been your favorite course at Moravian and why? 
My favorite course at Moravian has been, Money, banking, & Financial policy. This course gave me insight on a career in banking as a whole. 

What are your plans for the future once you finish your degree at Moravian?
Once I finish my degree at Moravian i will pursue a career in my field of study.

What is your most memorable moment as a Greyhound? 
Winning back to back conference championships with my teammates.

How has being an athlete helped you as a student and in the classroom?
Being an athlete has taught me to have a strong work ethic, which transferred into the classrooms with my studies.

What is the hardest part of your sport?
The long season can take a toll on your body, so you have to constantly take good care of yourself.

Name one obstacle or form of adversity you have had to overcome?
Tearing ligaments in my ankle and having to take time to recover.


Why is community service important to your role as a student-athlete at Moravian?
Being able to help others and give back is essential to growth.

What advice do you have for a prospective Moravian College student-athlete?
Moravian College offers you the opportunity to gain a great education, and build ties that will last forever. 

Color? Blue
Restaurant? Cheesecale Factory
Movie? Interstellar
TV Show? Family Guy
Musical Artist? I like all music
Pro Team? Giants
Most Prized Possession? My family
Biggest Fear? Giving up