Gregory Jaindl

Gregory Jaindl

Year: Sophomore
Position/Event: Distance
Hometown: Macungie, Pa.
High School: Emmaus
Major: Health Sciences


Why did you choose Moravian College? 
I chose Moravian because on all my visits everyone on the staff and the students made me feel welcome, and I felt that there were so many opportunities to succeed and grow. Also on the visits, Coach Jesse and the team made me feel like I was part of the team already and we all had instant connections. 

What is your major and why?
My major is health sciences. I chose this because I want to be a part of Moravian’s new Health Science program and get a further degree in physical therapy.

What has been your favorite course at Moravian and why?
Although it has only been a few months at Moravian, my favorite course has been Introduction to Psychology with Professor Amy Holtzman Vazquies. She is an energetic teacher that tells us stories from her personal experience to help understand the topics of human behavior that we study in class.  

What are your plans for the future once you finish your degree at Moravian?
My plan one I finish my degree at Moravian is to pursue a job in physical therapy. I hope to work in pediatrics and help children recover from sports related injuries. 

What is your most memorable moment as a Greyhound?
So far my most memorable moment as a Greyhound was to be named Landmark second-team all-conference in cross country. Being a freshman and earning this award is an incredible honor, and our young team placed well which is also very exciting for future championship meets. 

How has being an athlete helped you as a student?
Being a student-athlete requires me to schedule out my days to fit in classes, practice, events and homework. The hard work I put into my sport translates into my school work by focusing on my assignments and putting my best possible effort into them. 

What is the hardest part of your sport?
Most often people think that the hardest part of my sport is running long distances every day, but it is not actually the physically demanding part that is the hardest. The hardest part of running is really the mental aspect, and forcing your body to keep moving forward no matter how much it hurts or how much your mind is telling you to stop. 

Name one obstacle or form of adversity you have had to overcome.
One form of adversity I had to overcome is my father passing away my freshman year of high school. It challenged me to continue doing well in school and in the sports, and focus on the positives in everyday life because every day should be lived like it is your last. 

Why is community service important to your role as a student-athlete at Moravian?
Community service is important to me as a student-athlete, because I feel like we should all give back to those who or not as privileged or who might need some extra help.  I continue to volunteer whenever I get the chance because it leads to individual growth, and I encourage everyone to volunteer when they can as well.

What advice do you have for a prospective Moravian College student-athlete?
Advice I would give to a prospective Moravian College student-athlete would be to make sure to challenge yourself in your sport and in the classroom, because you want to get the most out of your experiences. Also, get involved in other things that will lead to growth as an individual such as volunteering or joining clubs at your school, and most importantly make sure you are having fun.


Color? Royal Blue
Food? Salmon
Restaurant? Cali Burrito
Movie? Monsters Inc.
TV Show? The Office
Musical Artist? Twenty-One Pilots
Athlete? Matthew Centrowitz Jr.
Pro Team? Nike Oregon Project
Hobbies? Basketball and music
Most Prized Possession? My family
Biggest Fear? Failure