Ericka Blair

Ericka Blair
Year: Senior
Hometown: Easton, Pennsylvania
High School: Bethlehem Catholic
Major: Management with a concentration in marketing
Minor: Spanish


Why did you choose Moravian College?
I chose Moravian because it had everything that I could ask for in a school. I would be able to continue playing basketball and also participate in extracurricular activities outside of sports. I liked the close-knit community atmosphere and that it is close to my home.

What is your major and why? 
I am a management major with a concentration in marketing and spanish minor. I have always loved the idea of marketing and how it affects us each day. I wanted to continue with spanish because I am fascinated by foreign language and the opportunities for a bilingual person.  

What has been your favorite course at Moravian and why?
My favorite course thus far is actually one of the spanish classes that I have taken. There is so much more to a language than just grammar and I have been fortunate enough to experience spanish through literature and text.

What are your plans for the future once you finish your degree at Moravian?
My plans for the future include finding a job in Market Research at a company and to further my education. I want to eventually be able to learn another language on top of spanish (either french or italian) and take my career to the next level internationally.

What is your most memorable moment as a Greyhound?
My most memorable moment as a greyhound was definitely when we got to play against the European teams in Munich, Prague, and Vienna. It was awesome to see how much they love basketball like we do, and to experience the game in a different way.

How has being an athlete helped you as a student and in the classroom?
Being a student athlete has helped me tremendously in terms of time management and preparation. I go into every test or assignment as I would an athletic competition. Preparation is key; whether it be during basketball or during school, if you do not prepare you will not succeed.

What is the hardest part of your sport?
The hardest part of my sport is the discipline that It takes in order to get the job done. There is no time for a let-down during a practice or game. We have to be focused 24/7 to reach the goal.

Why do you wear your jersey number?
I originally wanted to wear #22 but when that was taken I switched to #14 because #4 was my tee-ball number. (that uniform was a small so #14 was the next best thing.)

What advice do you have for a prospective Moravian College student-athlete?
I would advise a prospective Moravian College student to get involved with everything they want to get involved in. We have the opportunity to join any organization and still have the time to dedicate to our sport as well. The time goes fast!


Color? Green/Purple
Food? Gnocchi
Restaurant? Apollo
Movie? Pocahontas
TV Show? Friends
Musical Artist? Notorious B.I.G
Athlete? Diana Taurasi
Pro Team? Phillies
Hobbies? Singing
Most Prized Possession? My new kitten named Charlotte
Biggest Fear? Cardiac Failure