Morgan Calabrese

Morgan Calabrese
Year: Senior
Hometown: Nazareth, Pa.
High School: Nazareth
Major: Biology


Why did you choose Moravian College?

Aside from its beautiful exterior I felt a great sense of community when I experienced Moravian for the first time, ultimately leading to my decision to come here.

What is your major and why?

I am a biology major aspiring to become and optometrist.

What has been your favorite course at Moravian and why?

My favorite course would be Biochemistry because it challenged me on a daily basis and once I got the concepts there was a great sense of accomplishment and understanding that far outweighed any negatives of the class.

What are your plans for the future once you finish your degree at Moravian?

I plan on attending Optometry school.

What is your most memorable moment as a Greyhound?

Easily winning the first round of the NCAA tournament in the most invigorating environment I have ever played in. It made the victory that much sweeter.

How has being an athlete helped you as a student and in the classroom?

As difficult as it is to balance my schoolwork and basketball, it has really taught me how to manage both my time and stress.

What is the hardest part of your sport?

Being able to stay focused and stress-free the entire season.  Basketball is a long season so it is important to remember why your working hard and stay focused on that final goal.

Why do you wear your jersey number?

I like simple numbers. 2 is simple.

Name one obstacle or form of adversity you have had to overcome.

I broke my back in two spots during my sophomore year of high school, so coming back from that and playing in college is something I am proud of.

Why is community service important to your role as a student-athlete at Moravian?

Community service allows us to give back and support the community the same way they support us at our games.

What advice do you have for a prospective Moravian College student-athlete?

If you’re going to commit to something, give it your all. That way, when you look back you don’t have any regrets.


Food? Artichoke Pizza
Restaurant? Nick's Pizzeria
Movie? The Heat
TV Show? Scandal
Musical Artist? We the Kings
Athlete? Kyrie Irving
Pro Team? The Steelers
Hobbies? puzzles
Most Prized Possession? beanies
Biggest Fear? failure