Ciara Stewart

Ciara Stewart

Year: Senior
Event: Throws for track & field/Women's Basketball
Hometown: Montclair, New Jersey
High School: Montclair
Major: Sports Management


Why did you choose Moravian College?
I chose Moravian because I wanted a school with a small population that was close to home and I liked the campus.

What is your major and why? 
I'm a sports management major minoring in mathematics because I love math and of course I love sports.

What has been your favorite course at Moravian and why? 
My favorite course so far at Moravian would be psychology with Professor Helm, he was a great professor and I really enjoyed the class.

What are your plans for the future once you finish your degree at Moravian?
When I graduate from Moravian I would like to manage a pro team or do something involving sports.

What is your most memorable moment as a Greyhound? 
Everyday seems to bring bigger and better memories.

How has being an athlete helped you as a student and in the classroom?
Being an athlete has helped me as a student because it has demonstrated that you have to be disciplined and taught me time management.

What is the hardest part of your sport?
The hardest part of my sport is being mentally tough and being able to push through adversity even on bad days.

Name one obstacle or form of adversity you have had to overcome?
One obstacle I had to overcome was being comfortable with my height.

Why is community service important to your role as a student-athlete at Moravian?
Community service is important to me because it's always important to give back to your community and I was always taught growing up to share what you've learned because it may help build up someone else.

What advice do you have for a prospective Moravian College student-athlete?
Some advice I would give is first always remember that student comes before athlete, come in with an open mind, be prepared for challenges as well as hard work and there will always be a reward at the end.

Color? Blue
Food? Buffalo Wings
Restaurant? Buffalo Wild Wings
Movie? This Christmas
TV Show? Law and Order SVU
Athlete? Chris Paul
Pro Team? LA clippers
Hobbies: Hanging out with friends
Most Prized Possession? My family
Biggest Fear? Clowns