Junior Lauren Steinert in doubles.
Junior Lauren Steinert hits the ball from down low.
Junior Lauren Steinert serves in singles action
Junior Lauren Steinert returns a shot in singles play
Junior Lauren Steniert and sophomore Mary Angle celebrate a point in doubles action
Lauren Steinert

Lauren Steinert

  • Height:
  • Year:
  • Hometown:
    Mt. Bethel, Pa.
  • High School:

2017-2018: Steinert went 9-1 in singles competition.  Steinert was selected in singles to the All-Conference Second Team.  

2016-2017: Steinert won 5 singles matches during the course of the year.  She also held a 10-7 record in doubles.

Personal: Daughter of Joyce and Jeff Steinert ... Majoring in Vocal Performance

Academic Honors: Dean's List (2x), ITA Scholar Athlete 

Clubs/Organizations: Choir VP, Choir President, Music Depo. Representative, 26 Point Ambassador, Tour Guide

High school: 4x Tennis letter winner, Army Reserve Winner for sportsmanship, hard work, commitment, and dedication