BETHLEHEM, Pa. --- The Moravian College Department of Athletics and Recreation had 173 of its student-athletes receive Dean's List honors from the College for achieving a 3.50 or higher grade-point average during the 2018 Fall semester.
"The coaches and staff in the Athletic Department are very proud of our student-athlete honorees on the Dean's List for the Fall term," stated Director of Athletics & Recreation and Head Women's Basketball Coach Mary Beth Spirk. "As a Division III institution, we maintain that same philosophy in our department: in order to be a successful athlete, you must be a successful student. Our coaches understand that academics are a top priority and our athletes all know that success in the classroom comes first. Congratulations to all the Dean's List student-athletes."
The 173 Greyhounds account for 38 percent of the student-athletes that began the 2018-19 academic year on teams' rosters, and the total is 23.8 percent of the 732 total Moravian College students to achieve Dean's List status for the fall. The total also includes 26 student-athletes that are participating in more than one sport and 25 members of the group had a perfect 4.0 during the fall semester.
The football squad had the most honorees with 20 student-athletes earning Dean's List honors while the women's cross country, women's lacrosse and field hockey teams each had 13 student-athletes honored followed by the women's soccer and women's track & field teams with 11 and the baseball team and the women's basketball squad with 10. The men's cross country and men's lacrosse teams each had nine student-athletes named to the Dean's List while men's soccer, women's volleyball and softball squads each had eight honorees. The women's tennis team had seven selections while the men's tennis and cheerleading programs each had six followed by men's basketball team with three honorees and the golf team with one. The 26 dual-sport student-athletes are listed with their first sport played during the academic year.
The full list of Moravian's 2018 Fall Dean's Honor List is available at
The student-athletes receiving Dean's List honors include: Austin Adams (MLAX), Brooke Adams (WTEN), Dalia Aguilar (WLAX), Albra Alabry (MSOC), Jon Anthony (MT&F), Jamie Bader (WLAX), Jason Barish (FB), C.J. Barnes (MBB), Woodrow Battle (MT&F), Meghan Bauer (SB), Amanda Bencivenga (CHEER), Rodney Berger (BASE), Tyler Bergsma (MT&F), David Bertolotti (BASE), Liz Bill (WLAX), Vanessa Blose (WT&F), Gabriella Brandon (WLAX), Oonagh Breen (WSOC), Karlie Brogan (WBB), Alexa Brown (WSOC), Morgan Brown (CHEER), Nora Bruther (WSOC), Devon Bucks (FB), Christian Burda (FB), Santina Burak (WXC, WT&F), Alix Buskirk (WBB), Jackson Buskirk (FB), Ariana Caiati (WBB), Maddie Capuano (WBB), Nicholas Casazza (MBB), Kristen Cassidy (WTEN), Megan Chesney (WSOC), Macey Chlebowski (WLAX), Matthew Clayton (MSOC), Olivia Clearie (WLAX), Brad Clemson (MXC, MT&F), Cat Cole (WSOC, WT&F), Matt Comini (MLAX), Ian Csencsits (BASE), Will Dadorius (MLAX), Carly Danoski (WXC, WT&F), Mae Dienes (FH), Sarah Donati (WBB), Julia DeMarco (SB), Dominic DeRafelo (MXC, MT&F), Kirah Dreisbach (VB), Emily Duddy (FH), Shae Duka (WSOC), Jenevieve Eberly (WT&F), Sarah Emmanuel (WTEN), Nadine Ewald (WBB), Rachel Farmer (VB), Michael Feeley (MSOC), Caitlin Flanagan (WBB), Hannah Flaven (WT&F), Devon Fogel (MXC, MT&F), Kelley Gavin (WLAX), Jordan Gensits (CHEER), Destiny George (WTEN), Grace Gilbert (WXC, WT&F), Ashley Gindle (SB), Peter Gingrich (MXC, MT&F), Richie Glennon (MXC, MT&F), Alyssa Golomb (CHEER), Jamie Golubinski (FH), Armando Gonzalez (MSOC), Talea Gordon (FH), Austin Grace (MTEN), Nicole Grayuski (FH), Emily Groarke (SB), Michael Guarino (MSOC), Dominick Gurreri (MLAX), Fouad Haddad (FB), Kasey Hanlon (WT&F), Nathan Hannis (MLAX), Ryan Harper (MT&F), Erica Heaney (FH), Courtney Heist (WLAX), Mackenzie Heitz (WXC, WT&F), Aaron Hofmann (MXC, MT&F), Ty Holbert (FB), Marlee Hornbaker (WXC, WT&F), Shane Houghton (MXC, MT&F), Elizabeth Hrehovcik (FH), Mason Hudnall (MTEN), Katie Hudson (VB), Connor Hull (MLAX), Ashley Hutchinson (WSOC), Kaela Kane (SB), Zoe Karvan (FH), Victoria Kauffman (VB), Gavin Kemery (MXC, MT&F), John Kerrison (MLAX), Paige Kovacs (WSOC), Ashley Kunsman (FH), Brooke Kusmider (VB, WT&F), Jacqueline LaCava (WLAX), Alyssa Lambert (WT&F), Devyn Lapp (FH), Steve Lazicki (BASE), Alyssa Limbaugh (WXC, WT&F), Raquel Lopez De Boer (WBB), Jordan Luciano (WT&F), Renee Mapa (VB), Emma Marion (WXC, WT&F), Austin Markowski (BASE), Shane Masto (FB, MT&F), Katie Mayer (WXC, WT&F), Sean McFarland (MT&F), Riley McHugh (MSOC), Rachel Mikols (WXC, WT&F), Loren Miller (CHEER), Mike Mittl (BASE), Val Monaco (WSOC), Layne Morgan (WT&F), Brendan Morgans (FB), Connor Morro (BASE), Mikayla Morton (CHEER), Anthony Nagy (MSOC), Courtney Nealon (FH), Natalie Novotni (WXC, WT&F), Michael O'Hagan (FB), Alec Oriolo (MLAX), Mike Palmeri (MTEN), Sal Pagano (FB), Nicole Peluso (WTEN), Eirean Perst (WLAX), Luke Peterson (MTEN), Jillian Picciuto (WLAX), Jessica Posano (WLAX), Brett Poling (FB), Nicholas Princiotta (FB), Dylan Purdy (FB), Davyon Reimert (FB), Kate Rennar (WTEN), Emily Renner (WSOC, WT&F), Joe Rochelle (Golf), Billy Roethke (BASE), Robert Roman (BASE), Daniel Salimnejad (MTEN), Taylor Sanders (SB), Brooke Santy (WBB), Isaac Schefer (MTEN), Olivia Schlofer (FH), Amari Schooler (WT&F), Derek Scott (MT&F), Madison Shaneberger (SB), Kevin Shields (BASE), Matthew Shields (FB), Brandon Sisk (MLAX), Joe Solis (FB), John Spirk (MT&F), Natalie Stabilito (WXC, WT&F), Emily Stanilious (SB), Lauren Steinert (WTEN), Tanner Stokes (FB), Lindsey Strohl (WLAX), Jaequan Swint (FB), Alexis Szaro (VB), Molly Talarico (WXC, WT&F), Erin Tiger (VB), Safa Turkdonmez (MSOC), Alex Tursi (MXC, MT&F), Alyssa Ullmann (WXC, WT&F), Skylar Vaughan (WSOC), Morgan Weaver (WT&F), P.J. Weierbach (FB), Camaryn Wheeler (WT&F), Shon Wilson (MBB), Haley Wrazien (FH), Hailee Yoder (WT&F), Kayla Yoegel (WBB), Nick Zambelli (FB).