Shayaan Farhad hits a forehand shot
Shayaan Farhad serving the ball
Shayaan Farhad saving the ball from going out of bounds
Shayaan Farhad serving the ball to the other side
Shayaan Farhad hits a backhand
Shayaan Farhad

Shayaan Farhad

  • Height:
  • Year:
  • Hometown:
    Bethlehem, Pa.
  • High School:

2022-23: Farhad was 10-9 in singles competition this season and combined with Justin Szoro 1-1, combined with Anthony Ronca 6-8, combined with Zachary Lebby 2-1 in doubles action this year. Farhad was named to the Landmark Conference All-Conference team, Landmark Conference Athlete of the Week, and Landmark Conference Men’s Tennis Rookie of the Year.