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166 Hounds Garner Dean's Honors List Accolades for Fall 2021 Semester

Dean's Honor List graphic with 166 and Comenius Hall in the background

BETHLEHEM, Pa. --- The Moravian University Department of Athletics and Recreation had 166 of its student-athletes receive Dean's Honors List accolades from the College for achieving a 3.50 or higher grade-point average during the 2021 Fall semester.

"The coaches and staff in the Athletic Department are extremely proud of our student-athletes that earned spots on the Dean's Honor List for the fall semester," noted Director of Athletics & Recreation and Head Women's Basketball Coach Mary Beth Spirk. "As a Division III institution, we maintain that same philosophy in our department: in order to be a successful athlete, you must be a successful student. Our coaches understand that academics are a top priority and our athletes all know that success in the classroom comes first. Congratulations to all the Dean's Honor List student-athletes."

The 166 Greyhounds account for over a third of the student-athletes that began the 2021-22 academic year on teams' rosters. The total also includes 26 student-athletes that are participating in more than one sport and 39 members of the group had a perfect 4.0 during the fall semester including eight of the 26 multi-sport student-athletes. The athletic department accounted for 23.1 percent of Moravian's entire 723-member Fall Dean's Honor List.

The women's lacrosse squad had the most honorees with 18 student-athletes earning Dean's Honor List accolades while the women's soccer team had 17 student-athletes honored followed by the football program with 15 honorees. The women's track & field squad had 14 student-athletes selected to the Dean's Honor List while the field hockey and men's cross country teams each had 12 selections and the men's soccer squad had 10 honorees. The baseball, softball, men's lacrosse and women's cross country programs each had a total of nine honorees while the women's basketball team had eight student-athletes garner Dean's Honor List. The women's volleyball squad had seven selections followed by women's tennis program with four honorees. Rounding out the list was the men's basketball and men's track & field teams with three selections, the golf, men's swimming and women's swimming teams with two honorees apiece and the men's tennis program with one selection. The 29 dual-sport student-athletes are listed with their first sport played during the academic year.

The full list of Moravian's 2021 Fall Dean's Honor List is available at


The student-athletes receiving Dean's List honors include: Alexis Agrapides (SB), Alex Aloia (MSOC), Morgan Amy (WBB), Madison Amy (WBB), Mikayla Anderson (WBB), Syndey Anderson (FH), Ethen Aquino (FB), Daniel Babbert (MSOC), Jamie Bader (WLAX), John Bakey (MLAX), Sophie Bauer (VB), David Bertolotti (BASE), Emily Brandt (FH), Alexa Brown (WSOC), Olivia Buckley (WSOC), Rachel Byrne (WXC/T&F), Maddie Call (FH), Ben Carlin (FB), Julianne Cassady (WTEN), Alexandra Cherenson (WLAX), Samantha Cherenson (WLAX), Megan Chesney (WSOC), Kaiden Chinchar (MSOC), Brad Clemson (MXC/T&F), Madison Cunningham (SB), Trevor Cunningham (FB), Jennna Deegan (VB), Elisabeth DeMassa (WT&F), Isabella DeMassa (WT&F), Dominic DeRafelo (MXC/T&F), Alex Dietz (MBB), Seth Diorio (FB), Megan Donnelly (WLAX), Victoria Donovan (WBB/WT&F), Nate Dougherty (MBB), Caroline Doyle (WSOC), Kirah Dreisbach (VB), Liam Duffy (MXC/T&F), Liam Dugan (MLAX), Andrew Epsaro (MSOC), Javi Espinal-Katz (FB), Connor Estes (MLAX), Eliza Fantazzi (WLAX), Jack Fineanganofo (FB), Callie Fish (WT&F), Mason Fisher (BASE), Liam Fitting (MXC/T&F), Madison Fraley (SB), Brelyn Friedman (WLAX), Collin Frost (FB), Lindsey Gawrys (SB), Abigail Giamoni (WT&F), Donald Gibbs (MSOC), Adam Gildea (MT&F), Richie Glennon (MXC/T&F), Davin Glynn (MSWIM), Jessica Gonzalez-Forder (SB), Rachael Goodman (WXC/T&F), Andrew Goodolf (MSOC), Nathan Hannis (MLAX), Paige Harrison (WSOC), Mackenzie Heitz (WXC/T&F), Peyton Herbst (WXC/T&F), Grace Hezel (WBB/T&F), Austin Hittle (MLAX), Derek Holmes (BASE), Brady Hornbaker (FB), Emily Hoskin (WLAX), Shane Houghton (MXC/T&F), Andrew Hozza (GOLF/MTEN), Kylie Hughes (WSOC), Mackenzie Jakobsen (FH), Dan Jenkins (MT&F), Elise Keeney (FH), Bekkah Kehoe (FH), Daniel Kelly (MLAX), Jackie Kelly (WBB), Devin King (WLAX), Geoffrey Kleinberg (MXC/T&F), Garrison Koch (BASE), Hannah Kolonoski (WXC/T&F), Payce Korpics (WSOC), Craig Krug (FB), Alyssa Lambert (WT&F), Juliet Lardieri (WSOC), Lauren Latchford (WSOC), Griffin LeBlond (MLAX), Jenna Lenko (SB), Vito Leone (MSOC), Michael Lerch (MXC/T&F), Hanna Leto (FH/T&F), Nicholas Levinski (FB), Kendall Lomascola (WLAX), Rose Lombardo (WTEN), Catie Lovett (WXC/T&F/WSWIM), Allie Ludlow (VB), Connor Lyon (FB), Matt Madigan (BASE), Josh Mangini (MXC/T&F), Renee Mapa (VB), Emma Marion (WXC/T&F), Emily Markowski (WBB), Abigail McClaskey (WT&F), Hannah McHugh (WSOC), Amanda Meinster (WSOC), Chelsea Meltzer (WSOC), Cristina Merone (WTEN), Elizabeth Miskovsky (WT&F), Jaelyn Mitchell (WSWIM), Nick Montone (BASE), Kelsey Moore (WLAX), Anthony Nagy (MSOC), Owen Nahf (MXC/T&F), Matt Nimas (FB), Joe Paulillo (MBB), Matthew Pavone (MT&F), Eirean Perst (WLAX), Emma Philip (WLAX), Amber Poniktera (WXC/T&F), Chris Pow (BASE), Cori Pursel (WSOC), Raqguel Ramey (WT&F), Keara Reilly (WLAX), Crystal Robinson (WT&F), Lexi Robinson (WLAX), Ashley Rodrigues (WT&F), Robert Roman (BASE), Kristen Rommens (WT&F), Lexi Rushatz (WSOC), Josh Rutkiewicz (MLAX), Steven Salica (MLAX), Jaclyn Salvatore (WLAX), Victoria Santoriello (WTEN), Haylee Saylor (WT&F), Hailey Scaff (WSOC), Olivia Schmid (WLAX), Alaina Schmid (FH), Matt Shea (MT&F), Emily Silberman (SB), Grace Silfani (VB), Victoria Smith (SB), Sage Snyder (SB), Prince Sopko (FB), Rylee Soltis (WLAX), Natalie Stabilito (WXC/T&F), Billy Stergianopolous (MSWIM), Lindsey Strohl (WLAX), Savannah Sutter (FH), Justin Szaro (MTEN), Emily Szy (VB), Safa Turkdonmez (MSOC), Alexa Vail (WSOC), Joe Voitek (FB), Jack Wagner (GOLF), Joseph Walker (FB), Brendon Ward (MXC/T&F), Ethan Weber (BASE), Emily Wells (FH), Marissa Werner (WSWIM), Maddie Wickel (FH/WT&F), Brooke Wilkinson (FH), Delaney Wiseman (WT&F), Jessica Yanovitch (WSOC), Kayla Yoegel (WBB), Christian Zamora (MSOC)