BETHLEHEM, Pa. --- Moravian University is continuing its look back at its 2021-22 athletic campaign. The first entry in our second countdown of the summer – the Top 10 Stories of the Year selected by the athletic administration – is our No. 10 highlight – the Greyhounds raising over $141,000 from 1,959 donors in the Third Athletics Giving Challenge last November.
The challenge began with an initial goal of 1,700 donors in 11 days and ended up seeing Moravian have 1,959 individual donors make gifts online, in person or through the mail to the athletic department totaling $141,047.53.
Every program benefited from donors during the week, and 17 programs saw donations total more than $2,000 for the specific sport. Nine programs –men's lacrosse, football, softball, women's basketball, women's lacrosse, baseball, women's soccer, men's soccer and track & field– all topped 100 donors with men's lacrosse recording a high of 263. Eight sports – football, men's lacrosse, women's basketball, softball, baseball, golf, men's basketball and men's soccer – received more than $7,000 in donations with football leading the week at $28,285. Men's lacrosse, women's basketball and softball also totaled more than $10,000. Moravian's Blue & Grey Club general fund also received more than $4,400 to benefit all of the Greyhounds' athletic programs and the Hounds' Sports Performance program received over $682 in its first year of being part of the challenge.
Moravian's Fourth Athletics Giving Challenge will be held in November 2022.
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The number nine story in the countdown will be released on Friday, July 8.