BETHLEHEM, Pa. --- The next non-coaching staff member in the Moravian College Department of Athletics & Recreation's Get to Know series is our Fitness Center Director/Assistant Athletic Director Rebecca May, who returned to Moravian in her current position in the fall of 2018. May had previously worked with the Greyhounds from 2005-2010 in several roles including assistant field hockey coach and with the Blue & Grey Club.
Rebecca May
College: East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania 2005
How did you get into your field? In high school, I loved playing sports and played year-round. I knew that I wanted to be involved in athletics is some aspect and once I got into college I learned about the endless opportunities in athletic administration.
What is your favorite part of working at Moravian College? The people across campus and their willingness to assist and collaborate.
What is your favorite place on campus? My Office! I love that I can see Makuvek field and the ARC from my office. I have the best view hands down.
What is the best piece of advice you've been given? To work hard, people will notice, and good things will come.
Who are your role models/most influential people? My grandfather. He passed away when I was 11 and he gave me more advice than anyone I ever met. I couldn't imagine what I would have learned if he was still here today.
Which people, living or dead, would you like to share a meal with? 1. My grandfather 2. Lou Holtz
What have you done more of since March that you wouldn't have if sports had not been postponed? My family just began a national baseball tour and had plans to go to Pittsburgh, Detroit, Cleveland, and San Diego for games this summer. We are now getting off to a slow start with only completing Phillies and Yankees.
If you weren't in your current position, what would you be doing? Anything....I would be traveling around the world on someone else's dime to do destination reviews and photography. I can still do this, but the key is to do it and have someone else pay for it!
Quick Hits:
Favorite Color – Red
Favorite Food – Pizza & Sushi
Favorite Restaurant – Surf Sushi restaurant in Portsmouth, New Hampshire
Favorite Movie – 300
Favorite TV Show – Psych
Favorite Musical Artist – Jay-Z and Elton John; depends on the mood
Favorite Athlete – Brian Westbrook
Favorite Pro Team – Eagles
Hobbies – DIY anything related to my house. YouTube has taught me a lot and has also gotten me in over my head.
Most Prized Possession – I don't really believe in this, but I would say my wedding ring. It was my grandmothers ring who was married for 50 years. It has good luck.
Ideal Travel Destination – Anywhere near water! Lake, ocean I'll take both!
Your Spirit Animal – I actually just took the online quiz with my 7-year-old son and my spirt animal is the Wolf.
Superpower You'd Like to Have – Morph into anything